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We are thankful for the opportunity to help our communities in need.  We are especially appreciative to the organizations that allow us to give.  

If your organization would like our assistance, please contact us.

We would like to give a special "Thank you" to all the organizations we work with currently and  throughout the years.

On Saturday, August 13, 2022, Changing One Life at a Time volunteered at Feed My Starving Children.

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Changing One Life at a Time hosted  TEA TIME Benefit Event in June 2022.   As a result, $1,000.00 dollar donation has been gifted to The Open Arms Care Center. What a blessing That’s how changes are made in peoples lives giving back and paying forward one life at a time.

Click here to view pictures from the Tea Time Benefit

The Open Arms Care Center is a faith based - non-profit organization located in Gilbert, Arizona currently serving over 1,500 people each month. Open Arms is run solely on volunteer labor, providing food and clothing to the homeless, less fortunate, and needy through the help of volunteers from churches and the community.

Thank you CASS Central Arizona Shelter Service and Open Arms for all that you do! We appreciate you delivering all the socks that were donated for the homeless & for the people who need them most.

We appreciate you

Director Estelle Walker

Click here to view pictures from the Sock Drive

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Thank God from whom all blessings flow! Changing One Life At A Time Missions was blessed to provide over 135 bags of toiletries and other supplies to Arizona Department of Child Safety (“AZDCS”) in support of their Foster Care Program for children from toddler to teen. AZDCS provides a safe and nurturing place for children when they cannot live with their parents because of abuse or neglect.


In addition, AZDCS sponsors a Kinship Foster Care Program, which is Relatives Caring for Foster Children.  AZDCS provides funds and supplies to relatives to care for a child which allows children to remain in a loving family environment with a familiar relative, pastor, coach, or other individuals who help provide support, care and stability for foster kids. 

We thank God for the work and blessing AZDCS is making in the lives of foster children and pray that God will continue to supply Changing One Life At A Time Missions and its partners and supporters with manna from heaven to support these and children throughout Arizona and around the world.

Click here for Toiletries Drive  & Toy Drive pictures

Click the image to view the kind letter of appreciation from the Arizona Department of Child Safety (AZDCS) 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Navajo Nation was in much need of water and other supplies.

Changing One Life at a Time Missions organized a Water Drive and was blessed to have contributed to the Navajo Community.

Click the image to view the kind letter of appreciation from the Phoenix Indian Center.  


Phoenix Indian Center to Changing One Li


Navajo Nation
Central Arizona Shelter Services
Open Arms LLC
United Food Bank
Department of Child Safety
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Feed My Starving Children
Phoenix Indian Center
The Word Church
Kingston, Jamaica
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